Twins-Triplet is a comic book about self discovery and growing up as a triplet. It's a story about my transition from childhood to adulthood.
The story follows Erin, a shy, reclusive tomboy struggling to break free from society's misconceptions of identical siblings. Born a triplet, she must fight for a separate identity from her identical sister and break free from the dependency they have become accustomed to. While struggling to become an individual, Erin is also presented with new challenges over the years. She is viewed as a spectacle, has incompetent social skills, a speech impediment that makes her susceptible to taunts, and is conflicted with her identity. However, she learns to overcome these obstacles that will later help shape her into the person she becomes and will also aid her through the process of discovering who she is.
Some of the pages from Twins-Triplet, and other anecdotal comics about being a triplet appear in my comic book Gumballs.